Di antara perkataan a-immatussalaf kepada anaknya adalah:

يا بني لأن تتعلم باباً من الأدب أحب إليَّ من أن تتعلم سبعين باباً من أبواب الفقه

“Wahai anakku satu bab kamu pelajari tentang adab maka itu jauh lebih aku cintai daripada kamu pelajari tujuh puluh bab dari fiqih (dari ilmu).”

[Diriwayatkan oleh Al-Imam Ibnu Jama’ah rahimahullah bahwa mereka (as-salafush shalih) melakukan rihlah (perjalanan) untuk mempelajari adab selama dua puluh tahun lamanya, kemudian mereka rihlah mencari ilmu selama sepuluh tahun.]


♥ I LoVe my sisTer ♥

A sister is someone who loves you from the heart,

No matter how much you argue you cannot be drawn apart.

She is a joy that cannot be taken away,

Once she enters your life, she is there to stay.

A friend who helps you through difficult times,

Her comforting words are worth much more than dimes.

A partner who fills your life with laughs and smile,

These memories last for miles and miles.

When she is by your side, the world is filled with life,

When she is not around, your days a
re full of strife.

A sister is a blessing, who fills your heart with love,

She flies with you in life with the beauty of a dove.

A companion to whom you can express your feelings,

She doesn’t let you get bored at family dealings.

Whether you are having your ups or downs,

She always helps you with a smile and never frowns.

With a sister you cannot have a grudge,

She is as sweet as chocolate and as smooth as fudge.

Having a sister is not just a trend,

It is knowing you can always turn to her, your best friend.

With a sister you cannot have a grudge,

She is as sweet as chocolate and as smooth as fudge.

Having a sister is not just a trend,

It is knowing you can always turn to her, your best friend.

A sister’s love is special in oh so many ways

Now miles stretch between us and minutes turn to days.

We’ve shared so much as children the tears, the joys, the pain

A lifetime spent together those memories remain.

I love U of all for the sake of Allaah

♥ LuLoaH aL Lamees ♥

Ummu 'Abdillah Ayu


Abul Qa’qa’ mengatakan

و من هنا ينبغي للمرء أن يبحث له عن زميل صالح, و خل جاد ناصح, بحيث يكونان متلازمين في أغلب الأوقات, و يحث كل منهما صاحبه على الطلب و التحصيل, و يشد كل منهما من أزر الآخر و يسد كل منهما الآخر إن أخطأ, و يعينه و يحفزه إن أصاب و وفق, و يغيب كل منهما للآخر ما حفظه من العلم, و يقرآن سوياً, و يراجعان سويا, و يبحثان المسائل, و يحققا سويا

“Seseorang harus mencari kawan yang shalih, rajin dan suka menasehati, agar (ia) selalu bisa bersamanya pada sebagian besar waktunya, saling memotivasi dalam belajar dan saling menguatkan semangat sesamanya, mengingatkannya bila ia salah, dan mendukungnya bila ia benar dan mengevaluasi apa yang telah ia hafal, baca, diskusikan, dan kaji tentang sebuah permasalahan dengan selalu bersama-sama."

[كيف تتحمس لطلب العلم الشرعي/Kaifa Tatahammas Li Thalabil ‘Ilmi Asy-Syar’i/. محمد بن صالح بن إسحاق الصيعري / Muhammad ibn Shalih ibn Ishaq Ash-Shi’ri /. 1419 H. فهرسة مكتبة الملك فهد الوطنية أثناء النشر /Fahrasah Maktabah Al-Malik Fahd Al-Wathaniyyah Ats-naa`a An-Nasyr.]